Wanted: Hot Chestnuts

Hot Chestnuts for sale in Lucerne, Switzerland

It’s a cold and wintry day here, the skies are grey, not blue like they were yesterday, and my mind flies back to this time last year in Lucerne where, along the lake dotted with boats and swans, the hot chestnut sellers were doing a roaring trade. I can smell them now and I long for some. Some Swiss chocolate wouldn’t come amiss either.

6 thoughts on “Wanted: Hot Chestnuts”

    1. As I write I’m looking at a box of Anton Berg Marzipan Plums in Brandy, my all-time favourites and only available to me from airport trips or Selfridges. I’ve never managed to find them elsewhere. So, my weekend is complete.

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  1. Yes, I well remember roasting chestnuts by the fire when I was young, and making toast and toasting crumpets! We didn’t have fancy toasters when I was growing up – in fact I don’t think we even had a grill on the cooker. A friends grand-daughter said to me the other day “We should have a Day of the Dead here like they have in Mexico”. I felt so old. We used to have a day of the dead, October 31st (Hallowe’en) when we visited the graves of family members and paid our respects. Now we have an American ‘holiday’ of Trick or Treat and I feel so old!!!!!

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  2. You can of course roast your own chestnuts but you really need an open fire to do this properly. Chestnuts cooked in an oven are just not the same.

    When I was a kid, we had open fires and would put chestnuts on a baking dish in the fire. You had to remember to pierce them beforehand or they would explode!

    As for the Swiss chocolate, no, I don’t think I can help with that!


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